Fiber Optics vs Copper Wire

May 20, 2021


When it comes to lighting technology, the type of cable you use can make a big difference. Two of the most common types of cables are fiber optics and copper wire. Both of these cables have their advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one for your project is important. In this article, we will compare fiber optics and copper wire and help you decide which one is right for you.

Fiber optics

Fiber optic cables are made up of thin strands of glass or plastic fiber that transmit light signals over long distances. These cables use total internal reflection to keep the light inside the cable, which minimizes signal loss and interference. Fiber optic cables are known for their high bandwidth, fast data transfer rates, and immunity to electromagnetic interference. They are primarily used in long-distance telecommunications, but they are also used in lighting technology.


  • Immunity to interference: Fiber optic cables are immune to electromagnetic interference, which means that they can be used in areas with high levels of electrical noise.
  • High bandwidth: Fiber optic cables have a high bandwidth, which means that they can transmit large amounts of data quickly.
  • Long distances: Fiber optic cables can transmit signals over long distances without significant signal loss.


  • Cost: Fiber optic cables are more expensive than copper wire.
  • Specialized tools: Installing fiber optic cables requires specialized tools and training.

Copper wire

Copper wire cables are made up of copper conductors that transmit electrical signals over short to medium distances. Copper wire cables use electrical current to transmit signals, and they are vulnerable to interference from electromagnetic radiation. Copper wire cables are primarily used in building wiring, but they are also used in lighting technology.


  • Cost: Copper wire cables are cheaper than fiber optic cables.
  • Ease of installation: Installing copper wire cables is relatively easy and does not require specialized tools or training.


  • Interference: Copper wire cables are vulnerable to interference from electromagnetic radiation, which can cause signal loss and degradation.
  • Bandwidth: Copper wire cables have a lower bandwidth than fiber optic cables, which means that they are not suitable for high-speed data transfer or long-distance transmission.


In conclusion, fiber optics and copper wire are two common types of cables used in lighting technology. If your project requires high-speed data transfer, long-distance transmission, and immunity to interference, then fiber optic cables are the better choice. However, if your project requires a cheaper and easier-to-install cable that can transmit signals over short to medium distances, then copper wire cables are the way to go.


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